Tuesday, 17 June 2008

The batteries.

The first battery was made by Alessandro Volta in 1799. This was a series of pairs of discs of zinc and copper, separated from each other by pieces of cardboard or felt impregnated water.
The battery more used is a battery Lenclanché. This battery was formed by a solution of ammonium chloride in which electrodes are immersed zinc and coal, cover for a paste of manganese dioxide and carbon dust.
The Batteries are a primary generator. This energy is accessible through two terminals that have the battery, called poles, electrodes, or terminals. One is the positive pole or the other is anode and the negative terminal or cathode. The fundamental structure of a battery consists of pieces of two different metals brought into a liquid conductor of electricity.

Monday, 16 June 2008


It is a non infectious and cell proliferation disease. There are two types: the malignant melanoma or melanocarcinome and the benign melanoma or pigmentary nevus.
The risk factors in the melanocarcinome are: sunbathing in excess and without solar protection, contact with UVA and UVB rays, suffering important sunburns frequently in the infancy, a family history with this disease or having many spots. The pigmentary nevus disease is congenital.
The treatments for the melanocarcinome are surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy and for the pigmentary nevus plastic surgery.
To prevent this disease you must protect yourself from the sun, UVB and UVA rays, use sunglasses and hats. You mustn’t sunbathe from 12h to 17h. You must supervise the growth of the spots because they can be malignant.
There is a ruler called A,B,C,D for checking the melanomas: Assymetry of their edges, Irregular Border, Different Colour and Diameter superior to 6 mm.

Sunday, 25 May 2008


Tuberculosis is an infections disease produced by several mycobacterium classes such as as bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

It usually affects the lungs first, but it may spread to other organs.

This disease is transmited by the saliva by people infected with pulmonary tuberculosis during the respiratory efforts like the cough, when speaking, singing or sneezing.

The symptoms of tuberculosis are: weight loss, fever, night sweats and loss of appetite, although the symptons of this disease depend on the organ affected. The treatment for the tuberculosis consists of a lot of antibotics, like the isoniazid ,which should be taken from six to nine months. The healthy habits that can help us to prevent the tuberculosis are the vaccination with vacine BCG and others like cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, if the people are infected.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Steam Engine

Steam Engine is an external-combustion heat engine that converts heat energy in steam to mechanical energy.
The first Steam Engine was invection per Eduard Somerset in 1663, since the Somerset's model was build in London a model called "Vauxhall" in 1665 in London. This project was to raise the water to the homes lighest in the construction.

In this year (1663-65):
- Battle of Villaviciosa, Alfonso VI of Portugal beat Felipe IV of Spain.
- Begin's reign of Carlos II of Spain.

The Steam Engine was very important for the industrial revolution and for the Steam Locomotive. In the actuality his mechanism is used in nuclear reactors.

Friday, 16 May 2008

The First Genetically Modified Human Embryo:

The First Genetically Modified Human Embryo: Advance or Abomination?
By Brandon Keim EmailMay 12, 2008 | 10:58:22 AMCategories: Bioethics, Biotechnology, Reproduction

Scientists have created the first genetically modified human embryo.

What does this mean to you?

Led by Nikica Zaninovic, researchers at Cornell University added a green fluorescent protein to an embryo left over from assisted reproduction. They destroyed the embryo five days later. It is believed to be the first documented genetic modification of a human embryo.

British newspaper The Times reports that Zaninovic's feat was announced at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine annual meeting in 2007, but was only publicized recently when the United Kingdom's reproductive technology regulators reviewed the research. The House of Commons is about to consider legislation permitting this and other controversial reproductive technologies, such as the creation of chimeras -- human-animal hybrid embryos.

The research raises a number of thorny ethical questions. Though adding a fluorescent protein was not aimed at enhancement, but rather to illuminate developing embryos, scientists say that modified embryos could be used to research human diseases. They say embryos wouldn't be allowed to develop for more than a few weeks, much less implanted in a woman and brought to term.

If the embryos were allowed to develop, genetic modifications -- which would be permanent and passed to future generations -- might prevent disease. Modifications might also be used for other reasons -- physical appearance, intellectual prowess, personality -- though the necessary science remains hypothetical at this point. Developing such techniques would necessarily entail trial-and-error and risk-taking with human life.

David King, director of Human Genetics Alert, a bioethics watchdog group, told The Times that

"This is the first step on the road that will lead to the nightmare of designer babies and a new eugenics. The HFEA is right to say that the creation and legalisation of GM embryos raises ‘large ethical and public interest issues’ but neglects to mention that these have not been debated at all."
So let's have that debate. What do you think, Wired Science readers? Should genetically modified embryos be used in research, but not reproduction? Both? Neither?

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

The Smallpox

The smallpox is an infectous disease that is caused by the virus of the smallpox. Smallpox normally spreads through contact with infectted persons. There isn`t any medicine but there is a vacine. The symthomes are that appear raised bumps, on the face and body of an infected person.

Sunday, 11 May 2008


The telephone is a device of telecommunication designed to transmit vocal signs by means of electrical signs. For a long time Alexander Graham Bell was considered to be the inventor of the telephone. This happen in 1876. On June 11, 2002 the Congress of The United States approved the resolution 269, by which was admitted that the inventor of the telephone had been Antonio Meucci, who called it television, and not Alexander Graham Bell. In 1871 Meucci only it could, for economic difficulties, present a brief description of his invention, but not formalize the patent before the Office of Patents of USA.

Barbara Lamas Rey

3ºB nº8


Of all those who contributed(paid) the most important they are the German engineer Nipkow, John Logie Baird, Ives , Jenkins y Vladimir Sworykin The original discovery of the " photo cables " in the middle of the 19th century (The word Television would not be used but until 1900). The first experimental life in USA. It(he,she) was in July, 1928 when from the experimental station W3XK of Washington, JENKINS began to transmit images explored principally of movies with certain regularity and with a definition of 48 Lines.

This transmissions were born to the television was of the mechanical order. The real revolution would not come but up to the beginning of the electronic TV begun with Sworykin's experiments.


3ºB nº15

Friday, 9 May 2008


ENIAC is an English acronym of Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, used by the Laboratory of Ballistic Investigation of the Army of the United States.

The ENIAC was built in the University of Pennsylvania by John Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly. It occupied a surface of 167 m² and it operated with a total of 17.468 electronic valves. Physically, the ENIAC had 17.468 valves, 7.200 glass diodes, 1.500 relay, 70.000 resistances, 10.000 condensers and 5 million welding. It weighed 27 tn, 2,4 m measured x 0,9 m x 30 m; it used 1.500 electromagnetic switches and ;relay it required the manual operation of about 6.000 switches, and their program or software, when it required modifications, it took weeks of manual installation.

The ENIAC elevated the temperature from the local to 50ºC. To make the different operations to the there was him to change, to connect and to reconnect the cables. This work could last several days depending on the calculation that was carried out.

The ENIAC had a consumption of 160 kW.

At the 23.45 of October of 1955, 2 the ENIAC was disabled forever.

Monday, 5 May 2008


AIDS is an infectious disease. It's caused by HIV. Modes of transmission of AIDS:
  • Sexual transmission
  • Blood transmission
  • Mother to child transmission

There is a tratament for this disease but it doesn't have a cure. The healthy habits to prevent this disease are:

  • Use the condom in the sex
  • Don't use intravenons drugs
  • Visit your doctor regularly

The HIV was discovered in 1981 bu Luc Montagnier. It was discovered in France. The AIDS is a very bad disease. The sintoms of the AIDS are:

  • Extreme Tiredness
  • Fever
  • It damages the immunological system.
  • Loss of weight
  • Diarrhea

AIDS ______> name of the disease

HIV ______> Human Inmunodeficiency Virus. Virus that causes AIDS.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an autoinmune disease. Although many risk factors for multiple sclerosis have been identified, no definitive causes have been found. M.S likely occurs as a result of some combination of both environmental and genetic factors.

Treatment for this disease: although there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, several therapies have proven helpful.

Thursday, 1 May 2008


The hepatitis B is an infectious disease. The pathogen that causes it is a virus (HBV= Hepatitis B Virus).

The hepatitis B is transmited through contact with the blood, the semen or another corporal liquid of a infected person and from mother to child.

Symptoms: fever, fatigue, muscle or joiny pain, loss of appetite, mild nausea and vomiting, yellow eyes...

There are treatments that help slow the progresion of disease by slowing down the virus, although not all people with chronic hepatitis B need treatment.

The disease can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. To prevent it, not sharing needles, razors, nail clippers, toothbrushes and earring or body rings, used sterile needles in acupuncture, tatoo...

Wednesday, 30 April 2008


This disease isn´t infections and it is autoinmune.
Its causes are:

-Fever rheumatism (inflamation acute of articulations).

-A cartilage wears down, bone rubs on bone, damaging the bones and causing pain.
The symptomes are:



-Limitation of movement



-Deformity of the hands, foots, hips, ankles, wrists and shoulders.

There is no cure for osteoarthritis.Some osteoarthritis medications are common anti-inflamatory medication, for example, the aspirin.Only, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, if the osteoarthritis is very serious.


Diabetes is a non infectious and metabolic disease.The cause of this disease is that the pancreas makes little insulin or that it makes insulin of poor quality.

The signs and symptons of diabetics are:

-Excesive thirst

-Frequent urination

-Excesive hunger

-Weight loss


-Changes in vision

-Slow-healing cuts or infections

-Persistent itching of the skin

The treatment consists on the administration of insulin, elimination of the glucose of the diet or use of oral antidiabetics. There are healthy habits can help to prevent it: physical exercise and control of the diet.

Friday, 25 April 2008

The ibm pc

In july of 1.980 IBM ( international bussines machine ), created the ibm pc, the personal computer most successful of all time.The start of this decade marked this rising tensions of the cold war.Also, made public the existence of AIDS.
This success was not expected by IBM because ibm created the computer fastly and buying components of low-end to other manufactures so that ibm pc didn´t absorb part of the market from more powerful computers ibm.The operating system on the ibm pc was hired to microsoft.
During the years 1.980 IBM forged four nobel prizes.


-With the marketing of the pc, informatics stopped being a hidder and mysterious science without any regard for the majority of people, to become a handy utility.Later we had to depend on it.

Monday, 21 April 2008

What do you think?

Is there any truth in this? How can imagination help scientists? Your opinions, please


The discovery the electron was made in 1897 by J. J. Thomson at the Cavendich Laboratory at Cambridge University (England), while he was studying cathode ray tubes.

The electron is a fundamental subatomic particle that carries a negative electric charge.
Electrons make up atoms together with protons and neutrons. When the electrons are not part of the structure of atoms are moving freely in vacuum. When free electrons move, there is a net flow of charge, and this flow called electric current

Electrons have an electric charge of -1,602x10-19 coulumb and a mass of 9.11x10-31 Kg.

In everyday live the electrical current in our homes is caused by electrons moving. The cathode ray of a television is based on in a electron beam.
In industry the electron beams are used in solders.
In medicine is used in radiation therapy for treatment of superficial tumours…

Friday, 7 March 2008


The Swiss doctor Friedrich Miescher (1844-1895) discovered DNA in 1869, the same year that Darwin published “The Origin of Species”.
Miescher discovered DNA for first time. DNA is the main component of genetic material in most living beings. The components of DNA are nucleotides, formed by acid, desoxirribose and nitrogenous bases.The substance that Miescher discovered is white, sweet, slightly acid and has phosphorus. He found it in the pus in the bandages and in the salmon sperm.
Its name is nuclein because he found it in the cell nucleus. The discovery improved a lot the development of Molecular Biology Science.

In 1953 Watson and Crick discovered the Double Helix Structure of DNA. Each molecule of DNA is formed by two chains which have got a lot of nucleotides. These chains form a sort of twisted stair called Double Helix.

Thursday, 6 March 2008


What: The laws of the heredity ( “Mendel´s Laws” ).

Who: Gregor Johann Mendel.

When: In 1865.
15th of April: is assassinated with a firing in the head the president Abraham Lincoln by the actor John Wilkes Booth.

How: Mendel studied during years, plants of peas of different species and their descendants, and he observed that many characters were transmit of a plant to the following one.
He came to the conclusion that the living creatures transmit their characters to the descendents (this explains the similarity of the children to parents).
Mendel is known like the father of the genetics.

Genetics is the part of Biology that studies the heredity and its variations.
Today, the genetics can be applied to create more resistant organisms to plagues, eradicate diseases, clone creatures choose the sex, fertilization in vitro, etc…

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Theory of evolution

Charles Robert Dawin(12/2/1809-19/4/1882),he was a British biologist that sat down the bases of the modern theory from the evolution when outlining the concept of evolution of the species through a slow process of natural selection.

TRAVEL IN THE BEAGLE(27/12/1831-2/10/1836)
After graduating in Cambridge in 1831, the young Darwin signed up to the 22 years in the recognition ship HMS Beagle like naturalistic without pay, thank you in great measure to the recommendation of Henslow, to undertake a scientific expedition around the world. The expedition lasted five years and it picked up data in the water, geologic and meteorological in South America and other many places.The observations of Darwin took him to develop the theory of the natural selection.

The observations told him that the life is evolution and that some species originate of others.

The evolutionary theory or darwinismo are summed up in the following points:
1ºThe forms of life are not static but rather they evolve;the species change continually, unite they originate and others of they extinguish.
2ºThe process of the evolution is gradual, slow and continuous, without discontinuous jumps or sudden changes.
3ºThe similar organisms are related and they descend of a common ancestor.All the alive organisms can go back to an only origin common of the life.
4ºThe natural selection is the key, in two phases that he/she explains the whole system.
The first phase is the production of variability: the generation of spontaneous modifications in the individuals.
The second, the selection through the survival in the fight for the life: the individuals better gifted, those that have been born with favorable spontaneous modifications to make in front of the environment will have more possibilities to survive, of reproducing and of leaving descendant with these advantages.

The points 1º and 3º were accepted by most of scientific serious.
The point 2º followed trajectories you give same.
The point 4º have been the most discussed one as much for biologists as for philosophers.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

The rabies vaccine

The rabies is a serius illness of the central nervous system. It affects the mammals, including humans. It is caused by a virus which is transmitted through the saliva.

The rabies vaccine is one medicine which is inserted into the organism by injection. It’s used for avoiding and attacking the disease.

The discoverer of the vaccine was Louis Pasteur. He was born on 7th December 1822 in Xura (France). He was interested in chemistry (although in school he wasn’t very brilliant). He was a teacher of chemistry in Strasburg (1847-1853). He was the discoverer of several vaccines, and the rabies was one of them (it was the most important). Pasteur died in 1895, ten years after he discovered the vaccine.

On 4th June 1885, a 9 year old boy, Joseph Meister, was bitten by his dog, which had rabies. His parents took him to Pasteur. If Pasteur didn’t do anything, the boy would die with a lot of pain. Pasteur injected the vaccine during 11 days so as to help the body of the boy to form the necessary defenses. The boy finally survived and Pasteur was the miracle man. It was 123 years ago in Paris (France) and in this year:

· France conquered Madagascar.
· King Alfonso XII died (Spain)

Since 1885 the vaccine of Pasteur has saved many lives. Nowadays if we are bitten by a rabious dog, we don’t die of rabies. Thanks to this discovery thousands of people have survived.

Monday, 25 February 2008


Alessandro Volta was born in 1745, in Como (Lombardia). In the year 1800 (century XIX) started doing his experiments when Luigi Galvani discovered what two different metals and the frog muscle produces eletricity. Alessandro Volta discovered that two different metals (zinc and silver) and a cardboard with water also produces electricity. The voltaic pile consist of thirty discs separated by cardboard with water.

Present aplications: battery, lantern, toys, clocks, mobile telephone, mp3, camera, portable computer...

The Radio

The Radio

* G. Marconi is considered the inventor of the radio, of radiotelegraphy, to be precise (wireless telegraphy).

* In 1.896 he sent the first radio signals and in 1.903 he managed to establish communication between Europe and America.

* One of the historical facts that contributed to the birth of the radio was the emergency call sent by the Titanic in 1.912. It soon became a means of mass communication.

* Other former discoveries that had an influence in the invention of the radio were:

- The telegraph,invented by Morse.

- The telephone, invented by Bell.

- The electromagnetic waves,discovered by H. Hertz.

* Marconi's work helped later other inventions such as TV (1.926) created by J. Logie Baird.

* Aplications and uses of the radio:

- Save human lives in diseases.
- Entertain, inform, communicate..
- Space missions, building of satelites...

Tania Sabín Salgado 3º C

Saturday, 23 February 2008

The atmospheric pressure

The atmospheric pressure is the weight of air above the Earth's surface. The atmospheric weighs 1013 mp, 1 amt or 760mmhg. The atmospheric pressure it was inventes for Torricelli was discovered by a physicist and a mathematician Italian. In the 1643 it was discovered, in Florence.
It was discovered that Torricelli took a glass tube about one metre in length and filled witn mercury. Keeping the tube closed with mercury a finger, and introduced invested in a crock with mercury. When removing the finger found that the metal fell into a column whose height was 14 times lower than obtained when conducting the experiment with water. as I knew that mercury was 14 times heavier than water, deduced that boht columns fliud were supported equally counter weight, suspecting that only air was capable of doing such a force.

Friday, 22 February 2008


In 1803, Richard Trevithick invented the first steam engine at pressure and the first engine locomotive because he observed that it has more potency than the atmospheric pressure engines used until this moment.

Nine years later, in 1812, John Blenkinsop invented the first locomotive. It was a rack train, the railway have teeth that hook with the wheel. He believed that the wheels smooth slides on the railway also smooth.

Many years later, in 1879, Werner Von Siemens invented the first electric train. It was dragged by an electric locomotive. He unrolled a system for transmit electricity at locomotive.

In 1897 Frank Sprague invented the diesel train, he invented this, for that the train doesn’t have to a separately locomotive.

The invention of the train have many repercussions in the everyday life: At beginning of the modern age of the railway the traffic of travellers increased of surprising way. The coal and others merchandises were transporting of one station at other than by others transports and the receipts increase.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008


Alfred Nobel was a swede chemist that found the important prizes called Nobel.In 1867 he invented the dynamite.Also, in this year be born a important scientific called Marie Curie and other scientific called Michael Faraday die.

His investigation started later of the death of him brother because an explosion of nitroglycerine.He wanted to control these explosions.This way he created the dynamite, a plastic explosive that result of absorb the nitroglycerine on a porous material.

The dynamite remplaced at the nitroglycerine in demolitions and at the mining.Also, it was used for stuffing of the projectiles of artillery and stuffing of charge of military demolitions.Now, the dynamite was remplaced for anothers explosives because there were problems with its storage and with the production of nitroglycerine for its manufacture.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

The Earth layers

The planet Earth is like a great globe formed by several materials with different density and different physical states, which are located forming concentric layers:

1- We live in the solid part, called the Lithosphere, or the earth’s crust.

2- This crust is covered in its three fourth parts by water: oceans and seas. This mass of water is the Hydrosphere.

3- Covering the Lithosphere and the Hydrosphere, there is a gaseous layer, called the Atmosphere which is made up of different layers:

-The Troposphere is the nearest the earth surface and where the weather happens.
-Above this layer is the Stratosphere where the Ozone layer is.
-Above the Stratosphere is the Ionosphere formed by ionized gases

4- The Endosphere is the layer below the lithosphere and goes down to the interior of the Earth.