Friday, 7 March 2008


The Swiss doctor Friedrich Miescher (1844-1895) discovered DNA in 1869, the same year that Darwin published “The Origin of Species”.
Miescher discovered DNA for first time. DNA is the main component of genetic material in most living beings. The components of DNA are nucleotides, formed by acid, desoxirribose and nitrogenous bases.The substance that Miescher discovered is white, sweet, slightly acid and has phosphorus. He found it in the pus in the bandages and in the salmon sperm.
Its name is nuclein because he found it in the cell nucleus. The discovery improved a lot the development of Molecular Biology Science.

In 1953 Watson and Crick discovered the Double Helix Structure of DNA. Each molecule of DNA is formed by two chains which have got a lot of nucleotides. These chains form a sort of twisted stair called Double Helix.

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