The molecules are links of different atoms. The possibility that there exists life based on other different chemistries is not known. The molecular level is till now the only one that one has found in space. The molecules that living beings form are known as organic macromolecules principles, and can be:
- organic: present especially in the alive matter. The organic macromolecules are: glícidos, lípidos, proteins and nucleicosacids .
- inorganic: presents in the alive matter and in the inert one. They are the water and you them work out mineral.
- organic: present especially in the alive matter. The organic macromolecules are: glícidos, lípidos, proteins and nucleicosacids .
- inorganic: presents in the alive matter and in the inert one. They are the water and you them work out mineral.
Hello Lois. I don't think the term "immediate beginnings" exists in English - though "principios inmediatos" surely exists in Spanish or Galician. In English we speak of "organic macromolecules" to refer to carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
As you say, we have found some simple organic molecules in the space. Wouldn't it be exciting to find life out there...?
All this red on your nice post...What are you supposed to do now?
Well, just take it easy and edit the post again without mistakes.
Look up words in the dictionary or ask your teacher if necessary!
Keep up the good work,
Me esperaba un blog en sánscrito, arameo, gallego, catalán... y me encuentro con una maravilla en la universal lengua de Shakespeare... Aquí enseñan a los inmigrantes árabes catalán light (=valenciano) en las escuelas y en las empresas les piden inglés... Es para echarse a llorar!!!
Y ya sé q el saber no ocupa lugar, pero ocupa tiempo... y un árabe tiene que buscarse la vida antes que aprender a poner los acentos al revés...
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