Saturday, 15 December 2007



There is planty of it in the lithosphere and the hydrosphere, more than any other element. It can be mixed with air and it can be combined with water and with many other minerals.

· PROPERTIES: It’s a colourless, odeorless and tasteless gas and lightly water soluble. Oxygen has a great chemical activity, that’s why it can react with hearly all elements forming a lot of combinations that are in general called oxides.
It is essential for the breathing process in living things.
You can find it in two ways: normal oxygen, this one has its molecules formed with two atoms of oxygen and ozone, its molecules have three oxygen atoms.

· HOW TO OBTAIN IT: It can be obtained in laboratories in a very easy way, heating chlorine potassium.
For industry applications, big quantities of oxyegn can be obtained from air and from water.

· APPLICATIONS: Planty of oxyegn is used in autogenous welding. It’s also used in medicina, for diving, for climbing,…

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