Saturday, 15 December 2007


The root of the plants is the part of the plant that pays attention to the ground to which it is nourished. But at the present time the botanists affirm that a difference between root and stem does not exist. We could speak of the root as of the part of the plant that absorbs substances of the ground.

The end of the root is covered by the layer or caliptra, followed of another cap with absorbent hairs that allow to the acquisition of water and mineral salts. When the plant ages, these hairs fall. The secondary roots are born of the main root.

Different types from roots, depending of their form and function exist: when they work like reserve organs, the main root sinks in the ground. Also roots with ramifications that extend in beams and aerial roots in plants exist that are not fixed in the ground... In addition we can hear other terms referred to the types by roots: fibrous, graft, napiforme, to columnar...

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