Monday, 17 December 2007

Some illens relationed with food.

The most frecuent illens relationed with nourishment are: malnutrition, obesity, anorexia and bulimia.

-Malnutrition: It's caused by a lack of nowishing meal due to a bad diet. This illens is the most important reasons of dead in the chidren in the process of developement countries.

-Obesity: It's about too much grease corporal, so; weigh is raised. This one is caused by an excessive consumption of energetic alimony specially greasy food and sweets. Moreover people don't practise gymnastics.

-Anorexia: People who suffer anorexia is afraid of putting on weight because they aren't able to see. How their body is really, so ; sick people see themselves very fat. Finally they give eating and this causes an extreme slimnes . People can die.

-Bulimia: It's produced beacause of an extreme worrying about weight. The ill person eats too much food and in adition he/she hides in orden not to be seen.

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